Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hate is Free Advertisement.

This might sound a little contradicting to what I normally say because I am against hating other people but I have no problem if someone wants to hate me. I view hate simply as mere advertisement. I call my haters my free advertisers. People don't realize that if you simply want someone to go away you don't acknowledge their existence. But people are arrogant and love to hate. They can't keep it to themselves. Why do you think Justin Bieber is still relevant other than the fact he's got billion teenage girl followers. I enjoy people's hate and negativity. I find it entertaining. I like seeing what sets insecure assholes off. I like making people question reality, sexuality, what's right and what's wrong. Because while most people tend to focus on mundane, irrelevant crap I'm focusing on something bigger, my "human" experience on this planet. What people say is hilarious to me and it doesn't bother me all that much. I would be more offended if an Ant told me I was lame than if a pitiful human who has nothing else better to do with their life told me I was lame. So please hate me. And while you're at it tell your friends you hate me and that I have a band you hate and that we have songs you also hate. Do us the favor and advertise me. Advertise my band, my life and everything else. Because it's funny to me. I love nothing more (except music) than taking away the satisfaction from someone who thinks their opinion means anything to me. That's why I wear what I wear, say what I say and do what I do. Because while you think it bothers me I'm laughing because it's cheap entertainment and it thrills me that you take the time out of your life to focus on what I'm doing. I will always make time for you to make me laugh :P

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Meaning behind my name

A lot of people ask me how I got my name or what the meaning behind my name is. 
So I'll explain. Read this with an open mind and understand that I'm Norse(Viking) decent and Native American.
I grew up in a violent upbringing and needed someone or something to help me through it.
I never ran from my problems. I always faced them.
I'm very into animal spirtual guidance and what it can teach us about ourselves on our journey through life.

I was 7 or 8 years old living in Northern California, a little past Yosemiti National Park.
Me and some friends were playing in the wooded hills on the back side of the rail road tracks
and it was getting a little late so we decided to all go our seperate ways and go home.
On my way back home I came across (what seemed to me) this massive dog with huge paws. His fur was grey, light brown and black and had a very big tail so I was naturally stand-offish with him. I took a step toward him and he lowered his head so I extended  my hand out and he sniffed it. As soon as I felt I could pet him I did. And from there we clicked. I ended up bringing him home and my mom kind of flipped when she saw that he was a Wolf. What mom wouldn't flip if their 8 year old kid brought a Wolf into their house? Haha. He had a chain on him so we thought someone tried having him as a pet but as we know the relation between a Wolf and a human will NEVER be the status of "Owner" & "Pet" it will FOREVER be Wolf and human. I was cool with that. I didn't want a pet I wanted a friend.
We did everything together, even him coming to school with me(that's another story for later lol!)
After a while he stopped coming around. My mom had to explain to me again that he was a Wolf and they're independent and go when they want. But I never missed him though because it never felt like he really left. He taught me what he had to teach, but before he physically left it always felt like we switched souls or he lept into mine. It's probably why I never miss him because he's always been with me guiding me through life every step of the way. And he's still there.
I go by either Wolfie or Wolfgang. Wolfgang in old Germanic means Wolf Path. The Wolf in any culture is a path finder animal.